PTC Officer Nominations

The Ghidotti PTC is asking for nominations for board positions for next year. Please consider applying for this rewarding opportunity to make a difference for our students, and our school. You may contact Laura Pare by text message to 530-277-1678 to nominate yourself or someone else. The positions of Secretary and President will term out and be vacant.

PTC News

Hi Parents, I spent an amazing weekend in Ashland with our sophomores in late September and was so impressed with the genuine enthusiasm of our students.  They handled the independence of traveling far from home beautifully, and they obviously loved the theater (which was top notch).  Fun fact: our students could explain plot twists, and understand the intricacies of iambic pentameter better than most adults.  What a wonderful weekend!  Freshmen parents; definitely consider being a chaperone next year, it was such a treat!

I am proud to share that PTC helps make field trips, like the one to Ashland, happen for Ghidotti.  What else does PTC do?  I’m so glad you asked!  We feed students before they take the PSAT, we hold a white elephant gift exchange at Christmas, we host a long standing “pie day” tradition (which is sadly NOT on March 14), we support student athletics, we send the seniors away with a special trip to somewhere awesome (last year, a ropes course in Tahoe), we give scholarships to graduating seniors… and more!  So much more!  You know you want to come out and be a part of this committed group of parents!

We will be choosing a new treasurer at our next meeting, on Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at 6:30 in the Briarpatch boardroom.  If you even THINK you might want to be our next treasurer, and just want to find out more about it, please plan on attending the next meeting.  We will also be planning upcoming events for the fall season.  Please join us!  See you 10/16!

Saskia Dummett, PTC secretary

Notes from a PTC Parent

As I dropped my oldest daughter off at Cal Poly this weekend, I reflected on the many gifts that she received during her 4 years at Ghidotti.  She is starting her first year with 97 units, doesn’t have to take any of those stinky English classes that she dreads so much (sorry, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Mason!).  She has junior level standing, and therefore got higher priority on registration than almost any other first year student. She is confident that she will graduate in 4 years, which is unusual in her major.  But most important: she is ready. She knows how to study. She knows how to sign up for classes. She knows how to plan and think ahead and how to “lean in” to college. These are huge gifts that Ghidotti has given my daughter, and for that, I am grateful. 

Parents, this is my advice to you: “lean in” to this high school experience.  Stay involved in whatever way you can.  Support your teen with their projects, ask about grades, find out what they’re learning about.  High school will go by more quickly than you imagine. Before you know it, you’ll be dropping your darling off at college, wondering how you worked yourself out of a parenting job in just 18 short years.

This column in Mr. Levinson’s communication e-newsletter will be dedicated to keeping you up to date on how you can effectively “lean in” to Ghidotti as a parent, written by parents.  We will inform you on new events and ways to support our amazing school and we encourage you to be as involved as much as possible.  

I apologize for this long first post; what I really want to say is: please attend our PTC parent mixer this Wednesday, September 18 from 5:30-8:00 at the Nevada City Winery.  There will be non-alcoholic drinks, wine and appetizers available.  We would very much like to meet every one of you! Please join us!